Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors

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Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« on: 30 Apr 2014, 05:16 am »
Hello all,

I'm a big Herbie's fan, and just wanted to report the very good results I've had slipping strips of 1/32" and 1/16" Grungebuster material between the power cord female connector and the IEC inlet.

This is an idea passed on to me by an audio buddy, who sent me some extra custom-cut O-rings (washers) of Grungebuster material from Herbie's to slide over the femaile PC connector, ensuring that it "wedges" between the IEC and PC connector so that it can provide some isolation and grunge-busting, but not so that it can prevent an electrical connection. My friend thought they worked very well, providing not earth-shattering but definite improvements, and I agree. Prior to ordering custom washers myself, I decided I'd try them out.

I first put one of the washers on my source, the Bel Canto PL1 - the 1/16" thick one. This source was always a tiny bit lagging behind the Bel Canto DAC3 for RBCD (using the PL1 as a transport via AES/EBU) in terms of excitement - just a tiny bit smoothed over, and dynamics were a touch on the laid back side, and the bass slightly on the thin side though detailed.

With the washer in place, depth and imaging was immediately better. Leveled the playing field with the DAC3 for imaging and excitement. Bass still lighter, still more laid back, but the PL1 walks more firmly and decidedly down this differing path - so now there are two distinct sources that I really enjoy! I have a van den Hul PC on this and there was no issue with fitting.

I put a 1/32" washer next on the DAC3 with Synergistic Research Master Coupler, and noticed a bit more apparent detail, but that's about it. I was actually questioning whether or not I should keep it there, when I put the other 1/32" washer onto the Discovery PC on my XA30.5, and suddenly the system was more coherent than before. Not night and day, but took the "edge" off, or at least made me cease questioning whether to leave the washers in place. I'm leaving them there!

I decided to experiment with some preamp tube dampers that I haven't needed since my tube days, and using them as footers for the Bel Canto uLink, with a Supersonic Stabilizer on top - again, an incremental step in the right direction!

So I next started cutting strips and squares of GB material after I used up the gifted washers. After some experimentation, I have finally settled on 2 x 1/32" washers on the XA30.5, with some 1/16" pieces ensuring contact between the thinner washers and the IEC/PC connectors. The rest of the system, the Pass Aleph Ono, X1 power supply, and DAC3 have all been treated with strips of the 1/16" material.

I've also put very thin strips of 1/16 on the male AES/EBU connector (so that it goes around the pins and sits between and contacts the chassis connector and male XLR connector), tonearm connector and wire of the 5-pin connector on the Simplex, and inside/outside of my banana Z plugs, so that they contact both the inside of the bananas, as well as the speaker post, by slipping half the strip in the opening and leaving half of it out, so that it wedges between the plug and the interior of post.

The most obvious difference with all the treatment is that the soundstage moves forward a bit, center fill and mid fill* is more complete, and grunge is decreased. *I didn't know that mids sounded a bit "hollow" until using all of these tweaks; in fact, I didn't know this could be possible to have a "scoop out" of image density. This last bit was most noticeable once I put the strips into the banana Z plugs, pretty cool! I encourage you to try it out for yourself.


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #1 on: 30 Apr 2014, 02:06 pm »
Interesting stuff!! Could you post pictures of some of these applications? I know I'm having trouble visualizing just how these would go into place. Thanks!


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #2 on: 30 Apr 2014, 02:11 pm »
Yes! As soon as I get home from work. I appreciate the confusion, and hopefully pics will help!


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #3 on: 30 Apr 2014, 03:14 pm » sure gets in the way of listening to music
Look forward to the pics


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #4 on: 1 May 2014, 02:55 am »
Strip placed both inside and outside of banana Z plug

... and seated within binding post, contacting both post and plug

Homemade 1/16" strip seated between PC connector and IEC inlet

Herbie's custom 1/16" washer


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #5 on: 1 May 2014, 03:39 am »
Not at all what I expected! Thanks for taking the time to take the pictures. :thumb:


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #6 on: 1 May 2014, 11:47 am »
Great shots Wilson thanks!
I was wondering exactly what you were talking about.
I will try it.


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #7 on: 1 May 2014, 01:52 pm »
Bacobits - cheap and cheerful, just like we like it!

Listening to Led Zep now BEFORE work, sounds awesome! Good thing the neighbors moved out!


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #8 on: 1 May 2014, 02:00 pm »
Problem, I can't wedge that piece like in Pict 3 on the plug.
Ain't going in even if plug is lose they are all lose.
I  already use plumbers tape took it off to they this.

Anyone else have this problem?


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #9 on: 1 May 2014, 02:07 pm »
Try thinner strips, some of my plugs could accommodate thicker strips than others.

Oh, and they don't have to go all the way to the back of the iec connector...


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #10 on: 7 May 2014, 07:45 pm »
Anyone else try this yet, and if so, thoughts?


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #11 on: 7 May 2014, 08:42 pm »
I am using the 1/16 size grunge buster and I can't squeeeze it in.
Put the Teflon plumbers tape back on the IEC ends.
I did not try it on my BFA bananas.
I also use the Black Discus on the all the male ends.
Everything here sits on Herbie's Tender feets
I have been using all this for a long time and they work. Probabaly before you were born. :lol: :lol:


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #12 on: 18 May 2018, 03:58 pm »
i have two tiny sample size mad scientist black discus that i use on my dac and my headphone jack. i cant tell if they are there or not by the sound of course they are just there because i own them.


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Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #13 on: 18 May 2018, 09:53 pm »
You dug this one up.... 2014!


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #14 on: 18 May 2018, 10:54 pm »
I do this with Herbie's grundgebuster ... just thin strips self-cut to size ... on my IEC connections.  The main benefit for me is the fit is so much tighter.  I have lots of Herbie's stuff and am a big fan (that and roller ball stands under my speakers). I wouldn't *not* have Herbie's in my rig (that does make sense, I think).


Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #15 on: 19 May 2018, 12:20 am »
i did dig it up. it weas the only mention of mad scientist black discus in the forum.


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Re: Grungebuster material between IEC and PC connectors
« Reply #16 on: 19 May 2018, 01:56 pm »

Thank you for rediscovering this thread. There’s so much gold buried undo old threads. When I first stumbled upon AC, I many enjoyable hours perusing thread after old thread soaking up information.

I have only recently been looking at the Mad Scientist website wondering if I wanted to try their Graphene IC connectors (not the most expensive).
