New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.

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Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #20 on: 13 Aug 2017, 12:07 am »
Glad to see the new Neo3 style tweeters available.

Hmmm... only need 48 of them for the planar line arrays.  This is tempting!  :D


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Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #21 on: 13 Aug 2017, 04:51 pm »
can these be used in the wedgies?

Danny Richie

Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #22 on: 13 Aug 2017, 04:55 pm »
can these be used in the wedgies?



Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #23 on: 13 Aug 2017, 06:22 pm »
and  we should have  Wedgie  flat packs  available  soon



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Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #24 on: 13 Aug 2017, 06:24 pm »
Once the yarn is added is the sensitivity still higher or does the yarn bring the sensitivity down to the level of the PDR version?


Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #25 on: 13 Aug 2017, 08:08 pm »


I thought those were some of the coolest looking speakers ever when you first posted those pictures. I was running some rough numbers just for the drivers on the Neo 3/10's and it adds up pretty quick (32 Neo 3's & 16 Neo 10's if I'm counting right). Do you think you would ever turn those into a kit (as far as X-over parts and Plans), or is this just a one-off that may never come to pass? If my ship ever comes in (or when we sell the other house  :green:), I dream of owning/making something like this.

Any impressions on these Speakers in comparison to the Serenity Super 7's or the Mockingbird LS-X's? Could you get away with 2 Servo's per side, or is 3 a better match? (or is it strictly room size and listener preference?). I imagine building the panels requires some fairly advanced skills.

S Clark

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Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #26 on: 13 Aug 2017, 10:41 pm »

Any impressions on these Speakers in comparison to the Serenity Super 7's or the Mockingbird LS-X's?
I'm fortunate to have heard all of the above, for several hours at a time.  The Serenity Super 7's were at the top or top 3 (depending on taste) at a RMAF.  The Mockingbird line sources may have been even a bit better.  Those all electrostatic line sources were a clear step up again, and not a small step up.  I have very good speakers.  My LS9's are among the best I've heard on many types of music... but they sounded soooo slow in comparison.  :oops:
Now having said that, I know what I have invested in them ( built them myself), and just the frame of the new prototype exceeded my expense... by a lot.   


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Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #27 on: 13 Aug 2017, 10:56 pm »
and  we should have  Wedgie  flat packs  available  soon



Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #28 on: 14 Aug 2017, 12:06 am »
I'm fortunate to have heard all of the above, for several hours at a time.  The Serenity Super 7's were at the top or top 3 (depending on taste) at a RMAF.  The Mockingbird line sources may have been even a bit better.  Those all electrostatic line sources were a clear step up again, and not a small step up.  I have very good speakers.  My LS9's are among the best I've heard on many types of music... but they sounded soooo slow in comparison.  :oops:
Now having said that, I know what I have invested in them ( built them myself), and just the frame of the new prototype exceeded my expense... by a lot.   

What you say about the Serenity Super 7's and LS-X is kind of how I felt after hearing them at RMAF's (in different years). I'm wondering if the new speakers (Line Force?) start sounding closer to Electrostats and/or Ribbons in the Mid Bass on up to the top end, but with a better dispersion pattern and less issue over power handling and volume.....

I'm afraid that if there is no easy way to make the frames for the Neo's (tough to tell from the photo(s) I've seen), that it requires very advanced skills or CNC. Looks like the feet/legs are a bit of a trick as well, but I think they help make the speaker look so good.

Jonathon Janusz

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Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #29 on: 14 Aug 2017, 12:23 am »
If I remember correctly, the N10/N3 array frames are extruded and or machined aluminum - no lumber involved.


Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #30 on: 14 Aug 2017, 12:47 am »
If I remember correctly, the N10/N3 array frames are extruded and or machined aluminum - no lumber involved.
Just wondering if there is a way to do it differently (easier and cheaper), which might result in a bit less rigid structure, but still get most of the potential out of the design.  :scratch:



Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #31 on: 14 Aug 2017, 01:14 am »
Some mor epics here
Remeber, these were done from aluminum so  there is  substantial expesne.

This is something we've considered  cnc'ing out of  1"  or 1.25" Medex but haven't pursued as there  wren't really tweeters  available.  If there  were interest, it   would be something  we'd  look at 



Ric Schultz

Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #32 on: 14 Aug 2017, 06:19 am »
You don't need an aluminum baffle to make a great line source using Neo 3s and 10s.....check this out:

This is a four neo 10 line source but you just build it taller and add more drivers.  Three 3/4 inch pieces of highly refined particle board and 16 ply plywood green glued and rigid.

S Clark

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Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #33 on: 14 Aug 2017, 12:20 pm »
You don't need an aluminum baffle to make a great line source using Neo 3s and 10s.....

This is true.   I have a pair of great line source speakers.  My LS9's are great speakers, and were the best thing Danny had designed... until he created the Serenity 7's, and then the OB line source 9's, which were the best until he designed those aluminum prototypes. And they left everything else behind. 


Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #34 on: 14 Aug 2017, 01:07 pm »
You don't need an aluminum baffle to make a great line source using Neo 3s and 10s.....check this out:

This is a four neo 10 line source but you just build it taller and add more drivers.  Three 3/4 inch pieces of highly refined particle board and 16 ply plywood green glued and rigid.
Thanks - that is closer to what I can see as a possibly realistic goal for the ideas rolling around in the back of my little brain.

That's what I was trying to figure out - if you made it out of MDF, how much performance do you lose as opposed to an Aluminum (or similar) frame. I think that someday I might try to tackle a project similar to the one in your link if it's out of MDF and heavy Ply. I can probably acquire the tools needed for such a project and after a bit of practice, turn out something that looks "OK" (I am no woodworker by any stretch).

I know that, as an example, Magico builds their big speaker frames out of metal to get very high rigidity, and other companies use multiple layers of stacked, CNC cut MDF or Baltic Birch to do the same thing.

Extremely high rigidity is a goal, but how big of a difference is there going to be with MDF?

The good news though is that the Drivers are now going to be available again, and those interested can start dreaming of these big (or smaller) projects again.  :thumb:

PS: Did you ever take any measurements of the speakers in your link?


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Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #35 on: 14 Aug 2017, 01:30 pm »
I used 1"x 2" oak lumber for the open baffles with 1" x 4" bolted cross strips for spacing at top and bottom for stability.  Added a pine board for the wing with piano hinges.  Added a leg on the other side of the baffle for stability.

If you slot the 1" x 4" oak strips mounting holes, then you have adjustment range for mounting the planar drivers.


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Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #36 on: 14 Aug 2017, 07:49 pm »
Please don't use white felt. I feel like it's going to get filthy over time and look really bad. Otherwise, super excited to see these back! Loved the previous designs and I'm sure this will mean good things from GR.


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Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #37 on: 14 Aug 2017, 08:19 pm »
Please don't use white felt. I feel like it's going to get filthy over time and look really bad. Otherwise, super excited to see these back! Loved the previous designs and I'm sure this will mean good things from GR.

This makes a lot of since, plus black will look so much better too.

Danny Richie

Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #38 on: 15 Aug 2017, 12:00 am »
The reason we went with milled aluminum on that one is for strength. And it allowed us to keep the baffle width really small and keep the drivers really close together. And that is a pretty big deal as well.

And yes it was pricey. But when building a speaker at this level, why not?

When you mill it out of wood then the baffle width increases and there is a lot more added surface reflections.


Re: New GR Neo 3 tweeters are here.
« Reply #39 on: 15 Aug 2017, 01:32 am »
The reason we went with milled aluminum on that one is for strength. And it allowed us to keep the baffle width really small and keep the drivers really close together. And that is a pretty big deal as well.

And yes it was pricey. But when building a speaker at this level, why not?

When you mill it out of wood then the baffle width increases and there is a lot more added surface reflections.
Interesting. So the material of the baffle affects the FR that much?

I guess it makes sense in the higher frequencies, but I don't think that had occurred to me (makes sense when I think about it - think of side walls in your listening wall made of the different materials). Is that correct?

Could a coating on the MDF (as opposed to paint) make a difference and reduce the width?