Wywires 2.0 IC

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Wywires 2.0 IC
« on: 5 Oct 2010, 01:01 pm »
Alex, the mad scientist behind Wywires has been hard at work refining and developing the IC's he offers and sent me his latest version-I call it "butter" he refers to it as 2.0 for now. I've enjoyed and currently use his "Hot Sauce" IC, the "Juice" power cord and Wywires speaker cables with each one bringing a degree of clarity I didn't expect. My thoughts each time I inserted a new cable in my system have been "it sounds better" - followed by "how the heck does he do it!!".
 The latest version has had the greatest impact so far, its like the signal is being reworked from the inside out, without being reworked at all. The low end goes deeper and is more defined, the resolution top to bottom is better and the imaging or as some would call "air" is phenomenal!! This really becomes apparent when playing back .wav files via my SB Duet through my Grant Fidelity Tube DAC-09 powered by the "Juice" power cord, the music just hangs in the air, its 3D without the glasses!!!
 I told Alex as a drummer I relate to what I hear as if I was sitting behind a kit, I know what drums sound like up close and personal, I know what a rim shot sounds like on a metal snare as opposed to a wooden one and whether the sticks being used are nylon tipped or wooden tipped based on the attack heard on cymbal play and these cables easily allow those subtleties to be heard. The sounds I hear are natural and real, never colored, just clean and clear....how he does it I have no clue?? What the science is behind them I do not know?? The fact that the music sounds better- I'm a 100% sure of!! :thumb:
The gear: Virtue Audio TWO.2 and Piano M1 CD player, JBL-4312A Control Monitors, Grant Fidelity Tube DAC-09 & B-283 Tube Buffer along
              with a Logitech Squeezebox DUET.

The music: Steely Dan-"Two Against Nature"
                Lee Ritenour-"Smoke N' Mirrors"
                Porcupine Tree-"Absentia"