WyWire's Juice Power Cord

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Re: WyWire's Juice Power Cord
« Reply #20 on: 21 Sep 2010, 01:59 pm »
Oh geez - put me in to test the Juice cord please.


Keep an eye on the forum, a US cable tour is going to begin soon.  IIRC the Canadian one starts this week.

S Clark

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Re: WyWire's Juice Power Cord
« Reply #21 on: 15 Jan 2011, 10:54 pm »
Thought I'd add my impressions.  I've had the basic WyWire Juice in my system for about 10 days and have had several comparative listening sessions over the past several days.  My previous power cord was a respected $300+ cord that I was very happy with as it increased detail and sense of space compared to stock.  The Wywires has even more detail, better delineation of bass, and clarity and placement of vocals. 
I decided to try it based on communication with Nick77 and the 60 day trial period.  I'm keeping it.


Re: WyWire's Juice Power Cord
« Reply #22 on: 16 Jan 2011, 12:06 am »
Very identifiable power cord. It has it's own sound. This makes the cord valuable. For under 300 bucks its a good deal.  I like what i have for power cords so i wasn't compelled to buy one. But i still would like to have one around since they tweak nice. It would be an upgrade from many power cords. I would like to hear one with a BP26 or any other SS pre.


Re: WyWire's Juice Power Cord
« Reply #23 on: 21 Feb 2011, 02:11 am »
Hello folks

After reading about these new Juice 2 pc's and making a request to hear one. Alex was kind enough to send me one of his Juice 2 power cords to have a listen.

The juice 1 was a good power cable but to me was situational. It was  good at powering all the little nuances of the sound stage. It did things that were really interesting in bass output. It had a way of getting the bass off the floor that allowed you to get a full feel of the note octave. It didn't have big bass drive though. My original comment was quality over quantity. What held the cable back imo was a colored response that sort of brushed it self over the entire sound stage. You either liked it or not. For me it was a toss up on my own personal pros and cons scale. 

The juice 2 on the hand is a great little darling of a cable.  It has all the response and and resolution of a great neutral playback cable. Everything i liked about the original Juice wasn't tampered with. Intact was the organic Wywire cable sound that i have grown to love less that signature colored cable sound that came with  the original juice.  It really is a must have power cable and at $239.00 i don't mind saying that.

This is a digital cable......This is also a power amp cable. This cable will power the whole Enchilada of components (unlike the juice 1 imho). As much as i liked it on power it did equally well on my bdp1. Whether it be power or not you hear great enthusiastic high frequency thats neither shrill or fatiguing and yet very resolving.  For those that are cable skeptics its cheap enough to be able to let your guard down and still have a cable that will baby sit your sound stage while you maintain your naysay attitude on power cables. So do yourself a favor and go get one.

Nice Job Alex. I be buying me a new power cable...... yah !!!!  :thumb:
« Last Edit: 13 Mar 2011, 09:08 pm by werd »


Re: WyWire's Juice Power Cord
« Reply #24 on: 24 Feb 2011, 10:11 pm »
I recently got to audition a copy of the Juice2 power cable as well, with similar results. It has looks to kill, with outstanding fit and finish and some very nice connects.

I actually love the original version pc and it took my system up several up several notches and eaisly surpassed the $300 cable i was using.

But the Juice2 has the same admirable attributes as the original but on steriods, I have increased dynamics and a low end resolution that is amazing.

I was listening to a hirez file of Trichotomy which has a lot of double bass and heavy kick drums, and what used to be slightly bloated lower bass was suddenly very clear and every note of the bass and kick drum distinguishable. The increase in dynamics is centered around the lower bass and midrange with no increased treble energy. This places one up several rows front and center and gives a fuller richer more "live" sound.

On Diana Krall with emphases on string bass and lower piano keys the attack and decay is more life like and yields a richer more natural piano sound. I am enjoying this increase in low end dynamics and it seems to have a positive influence on all ranges of music, classical is very impressive.

These results are based upon using the Juice2 on my ClassD amplifier, I am waiting on delevery of a new hirez DAC and will test that position also. For the increase in capacitance the cable is still completely managable and flex'es with no problem.

This is a very inexpensive entry into WyWire cable and has almost the same profound effect as his other cables. I love the original Juice but the Juice2 just does everything a little better, highly reccomend. Go Alex!!  :thumb: :thumb:


Re: WyWire's Juice Power Cord
« Reply #25 on: 11 Mar 2011, 05:54 pm »
I have been waiting the arrivial of my new hi-rez dac, Audio-gd NFB-2 to try the Juice2 cord in the digital position. My findings were the same as Werd's, that the Juice2 excels on digital also.

With the Juice2 on my dac compared to the original i had an increase in depth and 3  dimensionality, much richer and more enjoyable experience. Definately took the dac up another notch.

Just wanted to update my posting, Juice2 rocks the house again.  :thumb: :thumb: 


Re: WyWire's Juice Power Cord
« Reply #26 on: 11 Mar 2011, 06:08 pm »
I tried Alex's Juice with the ATL ends on my Zodiac Gold yesterday, works really well.  Better than it has a right to at its very reasonable price! 




Re: WyWire's Juice Power Cord
« Reply #27 on: 14 Mar 2011, 10:57 pm »

Hi Alex

Why don't you make your cable thicker for weight. Have you ever made a Juice in a thicker gauge?

"With the WyWires, both instruments occupied their own space and integrated with easy to hear tonal and textural differences" - this is more important than weight imo. especially at cost of your cable. My 10 guage blue circle offers lots of weight but it al loses resolution at the cost. Not really important for some music but when you are picking out horns or violions it makes it leaps and bound better to have more resolution imo.
« Last Edit: 15 Mar 2011, 04:49 pm by werd »


Re: WyWire's Juice Power Cord
« Reply #28 on: 14 Mar 2011, 11:08 pm »
With the Acuton drivers, more weight is really important since with the wrong cables in place it can be a horror show.


Re: WyWire's Juice Power Cord
« Reply #29 on: 14 Mar 2011, 11:56 pm »
Guys, this is the Critic's Circle, where the intent is for AC members to provide reviews of any and all products.  Please take this opportunity to re-read the posting guidelines.

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Offering subjecting opinions of how your product performs relative to another is guaranteed to send a thread into a death spiral, with the ultimate fate almost certainly including the locking of the thread and a likely pruning of parts into the IGWB.  Given this, I would appreciate it if the commercial posters in this thread would edit their posts to reflect these guidelines.

Thank you!


Re: WyWire's Juice Power Cord
« Reply #30 on: 15 Mar 2011, 04:44 pm »
Not to overly harp on the same theme wywires, but +1 for me and my co-Fac's sentiment

Guys, this is the Critic's Circle, where the intent is for AC members to provide reviews of any and all products.  Please take this opportunity to re-read the posting guidelines.

If you're a retailer, vendor, distributor or manufacturer of an end product or any of that end product's constituent parts, please limit your posts to objective facts, preferably in response to a direct question from an AC member.

Offering subjecting opinions of how your product performs relative to another is guaranteed to send a thread into a death spiral, with the ultimate fate almost certainly including the locking of the thread and a likely pruning of parts into the IGWB.  Given this, I would appreciate it if the commercial posters in this thread would edit their posts to reflect these guidelines.

Thank you!