My X2's need a New Amp

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Re: My X2's need a New Amp
« Reply #20 on: 20 Sep 2023, 02:46 am »
The AVA DVA 225s are just such an amp for me.  I've also loved the DAC Megaschino and several GAN amps but I believe the AVA is the best of the bunch. 

Early B.

Re: My X2's need a New Amp
« Reply #21 on: 20 Sep 2023, 03:19 am »
A little late to the game here...

I have a pair of X5's which are I believe about 97db efficient.

My current amp is about 20 high quality tube watts. I have been happy with it however this week I put an 80watt solid state amp in the system.

The speakers became much more dynamic with greater grip on the music. This has made me rethink my setup. I do not think that I could live with the particular 80 watt amp long-term as it is a bit bright but it did make me think that there must be an amp out there with the refinement of my 20 watt amp and the dynamics of the 80 watt amp. It might need to be a solid state amp.

Try a different tube amp.

Watts don't mean squat. It's all about build quality. At one point, I had 250-watt solid-state monoblocks with 95 dB speakers. Now I have an 8-watt tube amp and it is far more dynamic than those monos could ever dream of and much more refined.   


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Re: My X2's need a New Amp
« Reply #22 on: 20 Sep 2023, 11:04 am »
You don't mention if the 80 watter is integrated of not but I've always been a fan of mixing tube pres and amps.  I just got off of using my  Don Sachs 300b with his tube preamp.  Switched to a Holo Serene KTE pre and I really love the combo as things were just a little too tubey for me.  You may consider a tube pre to take out the brightness of that amp if it's not an integrated.


Re: My X2's need a New Amp
« Reply #23 on: 20 Sep 2023, 11:39 am »
You don't mention if the 80 watter is integrated of not but I've always been a fan of mixing tube pres and amps.  I just got off of using my  Don Sachs 300b with his tube preamp.  Switched to a Holo Serene KTE pre and I really love the combo as things were just a little too tubey for me.  You may consider a tube pre to take out the brightness of that amp if it's not an integrated.

It was a Bluesound Powernode Integrated. I bought it to use in a second TV system with some less efficient speakers. On a lark decided to try it in my main system which uses a Lampizator Baltic 3 tube DAC and a Linear Tube Audio 20 watt Integrated amp with my X5s. I have had many, many combinations of tube and SS amps and preamps. With my Spatials I have only used the LTA Integrated so far. It did cross my mind to go back to an LTA Pre with a SS amp. In the past I have favored Pass Labs First Watt amps but they are usually low power.


Re: My X2's need a New Amp
« Reply #24 on: 20 Sep 2023, 12:34 pm »
Try a different tube amp.

Watts don't mean squat. It's all about build quality. At one point, I had 250-watt solid-state monoblocks with 95 dB speakers. Now I have an 8-watt tube amp and it is far more dynamic than those monos could ever dream of and much more refined.

Just curious. Are you using a 300B amp on Spatials that you own or are you using another brand of speaker?

I have owned many tube amps: from .75 watts to 40 watts. 71A, 45, 2A3, El84 300B, 6550 etc. Once you get much past 20 watts you are moving into "space heater" territory, with multiple output devices per channel. I have owned a couple of 300B amps. It seems that unless you spend a LOT of money  ("build quality") you will get a magical midrange but with tapered off extremes ...even if you do get good dynamics.

My only point was that one might also consider wattage when powering Spatial speakers. I cannot make a recommendation for other speakers but I could see benefit with my X5s in at least that one category. The speakers have always seemed refined with spooky clarity but I had never felt them as powerful before now.


Re: My X2's need a New Amp
« Reply #25 on: 20 Sep 2023, 01:22 pm »
I used a Modwright KWH-225i with my X5's and it was the best of many preamp/amps I tried. It is an integrated with 6922 preamp stage, solid state output stage, and lots of power. The first 25w or so are class A though. With Upscale Telefunkens, it's still slightly on the warm side, which suits my taste. Great amplifier!

Early B.

Re: My X2's need a New Amp
« Reply #26 on: 20 Sep 2023, 08:03 pm »
It seems that unless you spend a LOT of money  ("build quality") you will get a magical midrange but with tapered off extremes ...even if you do get good dynamics.

Unfortunately, really good tube gear is expensive. Spatial's new 300B tube monos will run $20K and that's literally a bargain. Not sure about the tapered off extremes, though. The brand of tubes matters a lot, and again -- unfortunately, the best tubes are ridiculously expensive and it requires experimenting with them to find the sound you prefer.

My speakers are DIY, not Spatials. The X4 Ultra was my dream speaker, but I couldn't afford it.