Alkaline Diet

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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #40 on: 5 May 2018, 03:47 am »
Its a difference in body type but one is not completely bound to one category or the other.... Endomorphs tend to gain weight fast and keep that weight on hence why majority of Endomorphs body type is usually fat/round/overweight hence why they dont live as long as "slender people", due to most of them being over weight due to there specific metabolic factors as well as other life style factors.

Majority of Ectomorphs have a hard time gaining weight and keeping that weight on hence why they tend to live longer because they are at there IDEAL weight due to there high metabolic factors.

The reason why one is not completely bound to one catagory or the other is for the mere fact that one can change there BODY TYPE.


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #41 on: 5 May 2018, 02:32 pm »
Everyone can have a slender build....Its like saying not everyone can be anorexic LOL....

I would suggest you are laboring under incomplete understanding of physiology. "Everyone" emphatically cannot have a slender build. What we think of when talking about "build" in large part is comprised of one's bone structure. I would challenge you to give one example of a naturally big boned muscular mesomorph transforming themselves into someone with the build of a slender ectomorphic long distance runner. It isn't going to happen. One can become the best version possible of a given body type and it is true that many if not most of us have mixtures of more than one body type. That is different from saying one can transform themselves into something one is not.


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #42 on: 5 May 2018, 03:46 pm »
You cannot change your body type. You can merely fool people as to what it looks like it is through a variety of ways like starvation, bad diet, poor metabolism, hyperthryoid/hypothroid, and other things that make someone big and small in the fat department. At any given time they're still the same somatype.

Endomorphs may be predisposed to being fatter, but that does not mean they are. I see endomorphs all the time who have no extra fat on them. And I've met ectomoprhs you might assume are endomorphs but lose weight and are really slim in bone and everything.

No matter what, the endomorphs biology still tends towards a shorter life span. One might argue that some of them are more productive with it however. This man is an endomorph. He obviously lifts weights a lot, but what I'd point out is that often the beefy guys like this can train to move a lot more weight than smaller somatypes, within the same amount of time. Need more than a picture? Ok, how about the fact that strong man competitions are at least 95% Endo Endo-meso, with almost 0 pure mesomorph and absolutely never any ectomoprhs. IF you think an endomorph can change somatypes by losing weight, why can't an ectomorph turn into a strong-man?


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #43 on: 5 May 2018, 08:20 pm »
I would suggest you are laboring under incomplete understanding of physiology. "Everyone" emphatically cannot have a slender build. What we think of when talking about "build" in large part is comprised of one's bone structure. I would challenge you to give one example of a naturally big boned muscular mesomorph transforming themselves into someone with the build of a slender ectomorphic long distance runner. It isn't going to happen. One can become the best version possible of a given body type and it is true that many if not most of us have mixtures of more than one body type. That is different from saying one can transform themselves into something one is not.

Everyone can have a slender build.....Eveyone has different bone structures to degrees but it is not depended on ones body type.....I agree that a big bone person cannot change into a small boned person as that is genetics BUT a naturally big boned muscular mesomorph can transform themselves to become slender in body type and become a long distance runner.

Exactly one can become the best version of a possible given body type as one can TRANSFORM there BODY TYPE but not there bone structure.


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #44 on: 5 May 2018, 09:02 pm »
I think you mean you believe people can be in shape. Slender implies... slender.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #45 on: 5 May 2018, 09:15 pm »
You cannot change your body type. You can merely fool people as to what it looks like it is through a variety of ways like starvation, bad diet, poor metabolism, hyperthryoid/hypothroid, and other things that make someone big and small in the fat department. At any given time they're still the same somatype.

Endomorphs may be predisposed to being fatter, but that does not mean they are. I see endomorphs all the time who have no extra fat on them. And I've met ectomoprhs you might assume are endomorphs but lose weight and are really slim in bone and everything.

No matter what, the endomorphs biology still tends towards a shorter life span. One might argue that some of them are more productive with it however. This man is an endomorph. He obviously lifts weights a lot, but what I'd point out is that often the beefy guys like this can train to move a lot more weight than smaller somatypes, within the same amount of time. Need more than a picture? Ok, how about the fact that strong man competitions are at least 95% Endo Endo-meso, with almost 0 pure mesomorph and absolutely never any ectomoprhs. IF you think an endomorph can change somatypes by losing weight, why can't an ectomorph turn into a strong-man?

Once again you can change your body type...and most don't willingly change there body type due to the illnesses you listed, its done willingly in a healthy way....Like I told photon you can change your body type but you cant change your bone structure as those are two completely different things. You just proved my point when you said you see endomorphs who are are skinny or ectomorphs who are fat because they can change there body type its facts.

Once again a shorter life span due to what? Are you just going to say genetics? Its a shorter life span because they are not at there ideal weight as its known that people at there ideal weight live longer then people who are over weight, percentage wise.

PERCENTAGE WISE most endomorphs are on the heavier side due to them not being able to keep the weight off due to there metabolic genetic factors.

MASS/WEIGHT/HEIGHT are all the key factors when it comes to strength with HEIGHT being one of the key factors as a taller person can put on more muscle mass and weight then a shorter person its just physilogical facts.....I didnt even look at that picture.....In strong man competitions there body type is endomorphs because like I said in that particular sport to have the most strength one needs to have maximum mass/weight/height.....any type of morphs can turn into and compete in the strong man competition the same any types of morphs can compete in and play ANY TYPE OF SPORTS.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #46 on: 5 May 2018, 09:16 pm »
I think you mean you believe people can be in shape. Slender implies... slender.

Slender is a shape or body type.


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #47 on: 6 May 2018, 02:19 am »
Look up the Keto diet. You can lose a lot of weight and helps if you have heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. One woman lived to be 116 eating mostly bacon and eggs.
« Last Edit: 6 May 2018, 05:26 am by OzarkTom »


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #48 on: 6 May 2018, 02:24 am »
You make no sense. You can't body types, you can change fitness. I'm not posting anymore to feed your nonsense after this, since I'm simply repeating myself.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #49 on: 6 May 2018, 02:58 am »
Thanks boys for keeping the topic useful to people in need of this diet.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #50 on: 6 May 2018, 03:07 am »
You make no sense. You can't body types, you can change fitness. I'm not posting anymore to feed your nonsense after this, since I'm simply repeating myself.

I make perfect sense you just dont get it or dont want to accept it....endo, ecto, and meso are used to describe body is excercises a totally different are the one that is spewing nonsense of something you just dont understand, like how you think a ecto cant become a strong man or power lifter. SMDH


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #51 on: 6 May 2018, 03:09 am »
Look up the Keto diet. You can lose a lot of weight and helps if you have cancer, diabetes, or cancer. One woman lived to be 116 eating mostly bacon and eggs.

Tell that to Folsom as he don't believe DIETS actually effect age/life span. :lol:


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #52 on: 6 May 2018, 03:18 am »


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #53 on: 6 May 2018, 05:06 am »
In an attempt to get the thread back to its original direction [correct me if I've got this wrong fullrangeman], I think the topic was acidosis. I make no claims to wisdom about acidosis but it appears to come in two forms. With metabolic acidosis, the kidneys are unable to satisfactorily remove various acids in the blood stream, like lactic acid. With respiratory acidosis the lungs are unable to satisfactorily perform their usual function of removing carbon dioxide from the blood stream, hence the blood becomes more acid [CO2 in solution forming carbonic acid]. Poor lung function or poor kidney function are they key problems.



Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #54 on: 6 May 2018, 06:18 am »
There's quite a difference between acidosis caused by CO2 [lung weakness] and acidosis caused by other acids, like lactic acid [kidney weakness].

One key thing I can see here is that while bicarbonate infusions can be used to treat acids other than CO2 in the blood stream, bicarb would not help with CO2. Lactic acid will react with bicarbonate to produce CO2 and sodium lactate. The CO2 will then be extracted by the lungs and the blood acidity will fall.

Extra bicarbonate in the blood stream will do nothing to remove CO2 and where the acidosis is lung related it's just possible that the bicarb would add to the CO2 in the blood stream by reacting with acid in the blood, as above, to release more CO2. I'm talking basic chemistry here, not medicine, so  any doctors present would be much better informed than I.

I remain sceptical of the diet, though I haven't read any more about it than is mentioned at the start of this topic.

Does the author of the diet differentiate between the two forms of acidosis and is the suggested diet the same for both?


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #55 on: 6 May 2018, 11:30 am »
You cannot change your body type. You can merely fool people as to what it looks like it is through a variety of ways like starvation, bad diet, poor metabolism, hyperthryoid/hypothroid, and other things that make someone big and small in the fat department. At any given time they're still the same somatype.

Endomorphs may be predisposed to being fatter, but that does not mean they are. I see endomorphs all the time who have no extra fat on them. And I've met ectomoprhs you might assume are endomorphs but lose weight and are really slim in bone and everything.

No matter what, the endomorphs biology still tends towards a shorter life span. One might argue that some of them are more productive with it however. This man is an endomorph. He obviously lifts weights a lot, but what I'd point out is that often the beefy guys like this can train to move a lot more weight than smaller somatypes, within the same amount of time. Need more than a picture? Ok, how about the fact that strong man competitions are at least 95% Endo Endo-meso, with almost 0 pure mesomorph and absolutely never any ectomoprhs. IF you think an endomorph can change somatypes by losing weight, why can't an ectomorph turn into a strong-man?

I'm with you there.  When I was younger, I decided I wanted to be a body builder (Arnold Schwarzenegger was popular at the time).  I lifted all the time...and while I got bigger, I was never strong or anywhere near a bodybuilder, as both of these require genetics.  (Not to mention drugs.)  And while I would go jogging also when I started out, I was slow.  There was no way to turn me from being what I was (someone with moderate genetics for gaining muscle, but not much genetics for strength) to a 5 minute per mile, ultra-thin Kenyan runner.  It was not going to happen.

And we haven't even started discussing muscle types (aka "slow twitch" and "fast twitch" muscle fibers, though it's more complex than that) and genetics.

As for an alkaline diet, I think it's complete hogwash and unsupported by randomized controlled trials on human beings.


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #56 on: 6 May 2018, 05:40 pm »
The food pyramid is unsupported by human trials as well. No diet had a controlled study. The alkaline diet is nonsense based on claims of how it works, but does in fact recommend mostly eating healhy things that have been shown to have many positive attributes (and actually aligns well with the pyramid). But I can see why people run away since the concept of blood ph is debunked riggerously.

On the flip side, this is interesting. It is a dream come true for all old people that love the idea of good wholesome simple magic pills they have already heard of...


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #57 on: 6 May 2018, 06:38 pm »
Please note alkaline diet is an alternative treatment only for people who need it, healthy people do not need it.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #58 on: 6 May 2018, 06:44 pm »
The food pyramid is unsupported by human trials as well. No diet had a controlled study. The alkaline diet is nonsense based on claims of how it works, but does in fact recommend mostly eating healhy things that have been shown to have many positive attributes (and actually aligns well with the pyramid). But I can see why people run away since the concept of blood ph is debunked riggerously.

On the flip side, this is interesting. It is a dream come true for all old people that love the idea of good wholesome simple magic pills they have already heard of...

Lots of diets have had controlled studies. Here are low carb versus low fat:

Then there's the Women's Health Initiative, Dietary Intervention trial.   49,000 women, split into the two groups (test and control). The test group ate less overall fat, less saturated fat, less RED MEAT (by 20%, statistically significant), fewer calories, more fruits and vegetables.  8+ years.  400+ million dollars.  DESIGNED to test for cancer (breast and colon), heart disease, and overall death rate. Result? No statistically significant difference in ANYTHING. 

The food pyramid was not based on RCTs, though.  More evidence continues to refute it. 

If you want to reduce inflammation, stop eating all industrial seed oils (soybean oil, canola oil, sunflower oil) and other high-Omega 6 oils.  Stop eating sugar.  Start intermittent fasting. 


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #59 on: 6 May 2018, 08:29 pm »
Lots of diets have had controlled studies...

If you want to reduce inflammation, stop eating all industrial seed oils (soybean oil, canola oil, sunflower oil) and other high-Omega 6 oils.  Stop eating sugar.  Start intermittent fasting.

I didn't know all that about oils, sugar and fasting. Are there any controlled studies?