Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?

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Mr Peabody

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Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« on: 2 Oct 2021, 02:59 pm »
Looks like the page is not so lively.  So let's talk :) 

I have not really made any changes in my system.  I keep thinking I'd like a new amp but can't find anything I'm more satisfied with, within my budget I should add.  Really nothing wrong with my amp.

I did pic up a used Bel Canto CD transport,just because, I might want to spin a disc someday.  I'm using a AES/SBU connection.  Wow, was I impressed with this unit, the sound is some different yet it's as enjoyable as my music server, which is saying a lot.  It's the T-3.

Based on rviews and my friend's comments I did try a new power amp.  Due to the virus and before the vac I didn't have a chance to listen to his and I was given a two week audition window with option to return.  So I bought a Coda 8, v2 which is 250x2 with Class A up to 12 watts if memory serves.  The amp had one of the blackest backgrounds I've heard, very transparent, I was smitten, although when listening something bothered me and to this day it's still not clear to me.  Maybe just not the best synergy with my Levinson preamp.  Images were some thinner than I was used to and there was a sense I got from the amp like I get with most Class D amps, not hard or harsh just something making my brain more aware it's not real or natural, if that makes any sense.  Anyway I let my window close thinking it might need more break in time.  My friend who has the v1 with mor Class A bias and only 150x2 into 8 ohms replaced a Krell ksa250 with his, so I kept thinking I was missing something.  He has a Coda pre though which may make a big difference.  Anyway I sold the 8.


Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #1 on: 2 Oct 2021, 04:23 pm »
I assembled an Altec 414 woofer and Ciare tweeter in an old Altec Santana cabinet and it works so much better than it has any right to.  Lush sound, definitely a pipe and slippers kind of speaker and I'm loving just listening without being critical. A fun project that turned out great.


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Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #2 on: 2 Oct 2021, 04:52 pm »
Enjoyed a pair of Philharmonic Monitors with a pair of servo subs for about 4 years. Thought I'd try something different so I bought a pair of KEF ls50 metas to swap with the Philharmonics. Nice change with a warmer sound. Wasn't overly impressed until I EQ'd them. Now it's a wow combination. One of the few systems I've had that doesn't change sonic character as you slowly sink/slouch in your seat while listening (due to the excellent horizontal and vertical dispersion).
Chris H.


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Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #3 on: 2 Oct 2021, 06:04 pm »
Oh, always something happening with my system.  I have 2 systems, the downstairs is my 'reference' system located in a dedicated room and my upstairs is my 'casual' system in my living room area, which I use mostly as background while working in my home office area. Here's a few changes I've made to each.

Downstairs system:
Finished re-wiring my GR Research Super 7 planar magnetic OB speakers with OCC silver wire
Changed music servers to the HAL MS6
Changed USB cables to the Hapa Audio Aero USB
Changed Speaker wire from UPOCC braided copper to braided OCC silver wire

Upstairs system:
Changed my main First Watt BA3 to a better (and beautiful) aluminum case, along with better internal wiring and better speaker binding posts and changed the input caps from Jupiter 2.2uf caps to Vcap ODAM 10uf.  Mainly because the BA3 gets so hot that the Jupiter caps melted.  Ouch. 
Upgraded the analog cables to Hapa Quiescence Silver cables
Changed USB cables to Hapa Aero USB cable
Changed all power cables to my own version of the GR Research power cables

For the future of the upstairs system, I've got 2 more things looming:
Ordered the Spatial Audio X3's to replace my hotrodded Klipsch Forte III's
Got a Musical Paradise MS-D2 DAC to play around with, and maybe it'll replace my iFi iDSD Pro. 


Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #4 on: 2 Oct 2021, 06:12 pm »
Since March 2020:

Jays Audio CDT2-MK3 CD Transport
Jays Audio DAC2-Signature
Kinki Studio EX-P7 Preamp
Kinki Studio EX-B7 Mono Amplifiers

Don P


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Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #5 on: 2 Oct 2021, 09:19 pm »
Since January in the main rig:

Set up and listened to a Stanton Epoch II HZ9S on my VPI Aries/SME V/Graham Slee Era Gold V and didn't like it, I assume because of the VPI.  I typically like Stanton cartridges and SME tonearms, and don't typically like belt driven turntables.  Will try in another deck, but low mass arms are thin on the ground around here. 2/2021

Swapped from a Krell KSA-50S to a Hypex NC400 stereo power amp feeding my Dynaudio Confidence C4s.  Great improvement! 3/2021

Swapped Shure V15VxMR cartridge on SME 312/Technics SP10mk2 to a Grooveticker-retipped Lyra Kleos LOMC. 4/2021

Purchased SPL Phonos phono stage for above 5/2021

Swapped VPI Aries/SME V for original Technics SP-10 with Audio Technica AT1009 arm 5/2021.  Still considering change, perhaps to a JVC QL-10 for cartridge rolling.

Had large 1.5" compressed wood product custom shelf made, anchored it to wall studs with 1000lb Rockler granite brackets to cure turntable footfall issues.
Moved entire main rig to a corner of my living room next to the fireplace, and made 26' stereo run of Belden balanced cable with XLRs to feed the power amp, installed PassDIY Aleph P preamplifier to go full balanced and with an active output stage to drive that much cable, previously I used a Placette Audio Passive Pre.  7/2021

Fought numerous hum pickup issues stemming from power wiring running so close to tonearm wiring.  Still trying to figure out a more elegant solution for all that.  I put a tray below the turntables for phono pres and transformers, but the proximity to power wiring was too great. 7/2021-9/2021

Still want to figure out a remote controlled balanced preamplifier of suitable quality, but the only options I can see are the Benchmark LA4, HPA4, or SPL Elector, and, uh...I can't afford one!  Maybe a Topping Pre90, but I like gear that I can rackmount.


Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #6 on: 3 Oct 2021, 10:56 pm »
Still want to figure out a remote controlled balanced preamplifier of suitable quality, but the only options I can see are the Benchmark LA4, HPA4, or SPL Elector, and, uh...I can't afford one!  Maybe a Topping Pre90, but I like gear that I can rackmount.

There's also the Schiit Freya S and Freya+. They might be about the same width as rack mountable gear, but I think you'd have to do some modifying (aka warranty voiding :icon_twisted:) to actually mount it.


Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #7 on: 4 Oct 2021, 01:51 pm »
In fact, I have changed everything back to what I was running 18+ months ago. Too many changes and losing interest is what did it. So caution on how many things you change. Sold off what wasn't for the better.


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Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #8 on: 8 Oct 2021, 12:52 am »
I finish my Linkwitz tribute speakers for a speaker show in May.  They were fun and well received.


Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #9 on: 8 Oct 2021, 01:34 am »
I'm in system hell at the moment.
Nothing is meshing up and I'm not happy.
Forced to get new speakers which has led to new amp/ cables/ accessories
and still crying. If this post is still around once I get it figured out I'll post the equipment.


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Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #10 on: 10 Oct 2021, 07:43 am »
There's also the Schiit Freya S and Freya+. They might be about the same width as rack mountable gear, but I think you'd have to do some modifying (aka warranty voiding :icon_twisted:) to actually mount it.

If I move away from either the Pass Aleph L clone or the Musetex remote line pre or Placette Audio passive, it'll be to something that's on the absolute bleeding edge of state of the art in every way.

I've seen too much Schiit gear that under-performs, breaks early, and the factory doesn't want to fix.  The Benchmark HPA4 would be my choice, as it sounds transparent, looks beautiful, and there's a 30 year history of excellence without any of the normal audiofool bs like tubes or available "upgrades" to better the sound-it just works, and then they design a better one.


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Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #11 on: 12 Oct 2021, 01:46 am »
I've got a pair of KEF Reference 107's that are currently in Chicago getting refurbished. Found a vendor there that was very familiar with the speakers and specializes in high end speaker repairs.  I've owned them since new and I knew the woofer surrounds had to be shot, tweeter ferro fluid gummed up, and old crossover parts were properly bad as well. When I finally opened them up, the surrounds were basically dust! It is amazing that they played at all. Crazy because I had not "noticed" any real deterioration of sound. It happened so gradually, that it was  hard to pick up the changes. Plus some REL subwoofers were making up for a some low frequency loss. 

Anyway, while being refurbed, this gentleman is also upgrading crossover components and internal wiring and giving these speakers new life. I pick them up in a week in Chicago and I am anxious to get my "new, old" speakers back in the system! If anyone ever needs high end speaker repair, this vendor in Chicago knows his stuff. Highly recommended.


Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #12 on: 12 Oct 2021, 05:50 am »
 Nothing new in my system. Still looking for someone to build a new plinth for my VPI, and need to rebuild my Dyna MK-3's.


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Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #13 on: 30 Dec 2021, 02:10 am »
Running my passive B&O Beovox Pentas at my new home with Yamaha M60 and Minidsp SHD, took down my main system at my parent's place with dual Snell SUB550s and Beolab Pentas for good, trying to sell the subs. Will likely change out the Minidsp SHD for a Flex and the M60 for an M70, the latter change happening much sooner. The M70 needs a Rifa cap on the mains side replaced as well as component(s) in the meter board changed out. Have only cracked into it to redo some solder joints so far. The M70 is probably the best performing amp I've ever had in my system, at least until I get my M80 and/or MX-1 fixed up. My bet is on the M80 being the best out of all three but only time will tell.


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Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #14 on: 30 Dec 2021, 06:41 pm »
Running my passive B&O Beovox Pentas at my new home with Yamaha M60 and Minidsp SHD, took down my main system at my parent's place with dual Snell SUB550s and Beolab Pentas for good, trying to sell the subs. Will likely change out the Minidsp SHD for a Flex and the M60 for an M70, the latter change happening much sooner. The M70 needs a Rifa cap on the mains side replaced as well as component(s) in the meter board changed out. Have only cracked into it to redo some solder joints so far. The M70 is probably the best performing amp I've ever had in my system, at least until I get my M80 and/or MX-1 fixed up. My bet is on the M80 being the best out of all three but only time will tell.

Why the change from the SHD to Flex?  Just curious, i have an SHD as well. 


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Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #15 on: 31 Dec 2021, 05:59 am »
I like money, I could sell the SHD and buy the flex and have money left over and it seems the flex is just as good as the SHD only lacking a wifi streamer which I don't need as the latest bluetooth which the flex has is lossless anyways. I am very happy with my SHD, only I wish it was cheaper. I also don't use Dirac.


Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #16 on: 3 Jan 2022, 02:32 am »
I just finished the crossover for my second diy bookshelf speaker.  Cabinets are about .25 cf and the driivers are SB Acoustic ceramic drivers.  The woofer is just 5 1/4" and the tweeter is their only ceramic.  I think they are the best diy speakers I have made.  They are clean and crisp and have good bass even though they are sealed for now.  I got a lot of help from Kevin K over at Parts Express.   :D


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Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #17 on: 3 Jan 2022, 09:41 pm »
I like money, I could sell the SHD and buy the flex and have money left over and it seems the flex is just as good as the SHD only lacking a wifi streamer which I don't need as the latest bluetooth which the flex has is lossless anyways. I am very happy with my SHD, only I wish it was cheaper. I also don't use Dirac.

I hear ya, Dirac and Roon are staples for me so it'd be hard to give them up. 


Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #18 on: 15 Jan 2022, 09:53 pm »
Small changes:

I got an MIT Sl-Matrix USB and MIT AVT1 Digital RCA cables to replace the Morrow cables I'd been using.

I also picked up a Solidsteel 5.5 rack courtesy of vinyl_lady in Columbia MO to replace the basic Pangea rack in my study.

Both The Morrow cables and Pangea rack are available. PM me if you have interest...and I'll probably be posting them on our 'official' place at some point.
« Last Edit: 2 Feb 2022, 11:48 pm by popthinker »

Mr Peabody

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Re: Anything new, or, changes in your system(s)?
« Reply #19 on: 22 Feb 2022, 09:57 pm »
I tried some Herbie's Tender Feet under my music server an preamp, actually the firmerversion under preamp.  They made a big improvement, a very reasonably priced tweak that really works.  I plan to add more over time.