Empirical Audio Off-Ramp Demo Impressions

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Empirical Audio Off-Ramp Demo Impressions
« on: 2 Jul 2005, 08:46 am »
Over the last 6 months I've been constantly fussing with my setup. I sent my 626r's to the factory for wiring/megawoofer/mls cabinet/lambswool upgrades. All I can say is I won't be looking for new speakers anytime soon. I then sold my Modwright 999es, it's a great player, but I got sick of the constant urge to upgrade it, wanted to get my invetment back, and was intrigued by PC audio. Then came my DAC auditioning faze--needed one for pc playback. I bought a Nixon Tubedac+, a dack!, and a Modwright modified CI Audio and tested them using a Sony 7700. They're all nice. The only thing I didn't like about the dack! was the constant need to recharge it--plus the one I bought came with a semi-broken charging unit. I liked the Tubedac+, but when I tried it with the Off-Ramp the soundstage got all messed up. I asked Steve about it, and he seemed to think the Tubedac+ wouldn't work well with the Off-Ramp. I tried to get the soundstage straight myself, but it was always 2 to 3 feet to the right of center. When I used the CI DAC with the Off-Ramp the soundstage snapped right back into place. I'll now end my ramble and go on to what I think about the Off-Ramp--not sure if it's the turbo. For my initial tests I'm using the Modwright CI DAC along with all of Steve's recommended PC settings.

How do I like the Off-Ramp? It--insert appropriate f-word--rocks. The soundstage is huge with pinpoint imaging. Everything sounds utterly natural and accurate. I was listening to Einsturzende Neubauten--a band that uses everyday items in their music, ie twigs, drills, and cigarettes. In the song I played they use some sort of stick for the drumbeat. It sounded like the drummer was standing in my living room tapping against my wall. Every micro-detail of the music was present in all of its glory. The music takes on an amazing texture I've never experienced before. It's as if the sound is filling up every atom of space in the room. The music's in front, behind, above and below. I felt completely submerged in it, or what I imagine being submerged in music would feel like. Kind of like sitting at the bottom of a pool's deep end, minus the annoying ear pressure. It's hard to do justice to how 3-D everything is. And the bass, oh the bass. It has intense slam and is so tight my eyes well-up just writing about it. The vocals sound like the singer is whispering in my ears. It's like some sort of intimate reality hidden in the 0's & 1's of the cd is revealed with the Off-Ramp. It's that special. Is it a religous experience? No, but it does give me the chills.

I a/b'd the Off-Ramp against the Modwright CI DAC/Sony 7700 combo. Everything I described above is completely lacking or painfully diminished with the 7700 setup. It sounds good, but the magic is gone. The cold harsher world of digital emerges. Bass-lacking. Detail-blurred. Soundstage-muddled. Vocals-coming from another room. Do I dare keep this playing? No.

I never had the chance to directly a/b the Off-Ramp against the 999es so take my comparison with a grain of salt. I really did love my 999es--might of just been the glowing tubes. I haven't read a bad thing about it, and I'm not going to be the one to write the 1st negative comments I've seen. Does the 999es compare with the Off-Ramp? Probably, but like I said above, I've never experienced music like I have with the Off-Ramp/CI DAC combo. And it's a <$1500 package. I honestly believe that no CD playback system can compare with the Off-Ramp PC audio setup. They're 2 different breeds, and I bet you won't have a hard time guessing which one I'm sticking with.

I've only being playing around with the Off-Ramp for a couple days so more comments may follow.


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usb off-ramp turbo
« Reply #1 on: 5 Jul 2005, 02:21 am »
I have been using my turbo USB off ramp a few months now.  It needs about 200 hours to break in. I am using it with an unmodified Benchmark Dac-1, Pass Labs X-350 and original VMPS RM-40's.

My front end I used before this set up was a Wadia 850.

The USB off ramp is amaizing!!!!  The Wadia, nor anything else I have heard on my ststem comes even close.  I cannot imagine how much better it will be after Steve does the modification on the Benchmark.

It is critical to use Foobar 2000 set up proberly in 24/96 and to use uncompressed .WAV files.  I have 3 Segate "quiet" 300 GB hard drives with instant access to about 1800 CDs.  I will never use a CD Transport again.  My CD collection is now put away in safe storage.

Thanks Steve!!!


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Empirical Audio Off-Ramp Demo Impressions
« Reply #2 on: 5 Jul 2005, 02:44 am »
Thats impressive. Scubadon, what have you found to be the best way to manage the thousands  and thousands of recordings on those 1800 CD's now that you have them on your hard drives?



  • Jr. Member
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Empirical Audio Off-Ramp Demo Impressions
« Reply #3 on: 5 Jul 2005, 03:14 am »
The CD's have been put in 6 zippered binders holding 300 each. I have kept the inserts and back covers in a wooden trunk.

File management for the songs is pretty simple.  I keep all 3 hard drives connected with a HUB.  In Foobar 2000, I use "Album List" and view "by directory structure".  I also use the freedb/get tags function.  To top it off, I use the "Album Art Aggregator" program to load the Album Art.  The file structure is Artest/Album/Track.

Hope this helps, Don


Empirical Audio Off-Ramp Demo Impressions
« Reply #4 on: 6 Jul 2005, 05:21 pm »
Don - sounds like you have really mastered the computer audio.

BTW - the Benchmark DAC-1 mods are simply amazing.  I get to listen to the modded and unmodded side-by-side whenever I get a new one in to mod.  The unmodded one is really dissappointing in comparison.  I finally broke-down and bought a new DAC-1 for myself.  Got tired of waiting for a good used one.  Now if I could just find the time to mod it......

Steve N.


Empirical Audio Off-Ramp Demo Impressions
« Reply #5 on: 6 Jul 2005, 05:35 pm »
I'd like to see a comparison between a system with an Off-Ramp into a DAC and then straight USB into the same DAC.  

I find that the hugest margin of improvement is normally just the fact that one is using a hard drive as opposed to a transport.  I'm sure there'd be a difference with the Off-Ramp versus without it, but I don't think it would be on the same order of magnitude you experience when going from a 7700 to a PC based transport.

Nice write-up.