Anti-Audiophiles. Here? Contradiction in terms.

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Anti-Audiophiles. Here? Contradiction in terms.
« on: 6 Jan 2018, 06:14 pm »
For all you younger listeners who think "Audiophile" means being anal retentive and must fuss over directionality and fuses and cords?  That does not mean Audiophile.   Its only a certain niche of audiophiles.   If you like NuPrime?  You are probably an audiophile!   Audiophile means you simply enjoy and want to listen with better more accurate sounding audio equipment.

Fuses?   Directionality?  Power cords?   I would not take the chance on fuses until after I was in my 60's.  Before then, it was nonsense to me, because it was not economically comfortable to think about...   

Then as my life became more simplified it became a curiosity.   They when I finally had the means to try some of these without killing my budget because I already had a system put together...  I found out there is something there to be realized. Audiophiles like to share when they discover something.   

Most likely audiophile fuses will start  coming down in price when some smart audio company learns how to make them and begin using them in their equipment...  Or contracts out in high numbers so the prices can come down. Or,  someone invents something superior to the fuse.  Don't think being an audiophile means you need to fuss and squirm. Younger audiophiles have the advantage of having a healthy dose of hormones that makes what they hear sound good as long as the beat moves them... As we get older we begin to concentrate in trying to recreate an illusion of an actual performance in our room.  That takes science as well as art.  Audio engineers that love music seek perfection within reason.

When I was younger I used to sit there enjoying hearing my music using Radio Shack interconnects and lamp cord for the speakers.  Then I began to desire to eliminate that "electronics sound" that is added to what was being heard.  That is when you begin to become an audiophile.  Its an art.  Its a skill. 

When I first started playing drums I had a hard time coordinating my body and played stiff.  Watching a really good drummer made me feel I would never be that good. Don't let older experienced audiophiles discourage you and make you think you are not supposed to like what you now have. That is not what they are trying to cause you to feel about what you now have.  But,  when that nasty creep jealousy jumps in it causes those who could learn something to attack what they might learn to benefit from when they become able and ready to make some changes to improve things. But, if you stick with it and things will change as the learning process transforms you.

Its a disease?  .... Being an audiophile is not a "condition."   :icon_lol:   If you are here in Audio Circle learning about audio equipment?  You probably are an audiophile.  Its a gift! Not a condition!  But there are neurotic people who try to make audio their salvation in life and do become obsessive ....   Well?  That is better than being drunk all the time, I suppose. 

If you truly love music and audio equipment?  Then you are an audiophile!  Its just that the means for achieving this goal has shifted and is changing to a new format and system to better listening.   

Things change and go from good to bad, and then back to better than what was once the good.  Example... Tubes were replaced by transistors.  Transistors were said to be technically superior... But sound wise sucked!   Then, engineers began to better understand tubes and began making solid state that sounded as good, and without the hassles of tubes... Same with vinyl and digital.  Same with cables and fuses.  Its all a process.  Its not a disease!  lol!


Re: Anti-Audiophiles. Here? Contradiction in terms.
« Reply #1 on: 6 Jan 2018, 06:44 pm »
I think this Circle isn't the appropriate place for this discussion (not that it's not valuable). I'm not even sure that's an appropriate circle for this (after looking through all the Circles).


Re: Anti-Audiophiles. Here? Contradiction in terms.
« Reply #2 on: 6 Jan 2018, 07:51 pm »
I think this Circle isn't the appropriate place for this discussion (not that it's not valuable). I'm not even sure that's an appropriate circle for this (after looking through all the Circles).

This will work in the Personal Touch Circle.


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Re: Anti-Audiophiles. Here? Contradiction in terms.
« Reply #3 on: 6 Jan 2018, 08:00 pm »
This will work in the Personal Touch Circle.

Okay, it might... :thumb:


Re: Anti-Audiophiles. Here? Contradiction in terms.
« Reply #4 on: 6 Jan 2018, 08:45 pm »
I had read all the hub bub on the other board concerning fuses on the Yiggy. While I believe everything matters I have not gotten to the point of fuses......yet. I'll have to try one to start. Will do $oon.

The best thing I have done is treat the room, well worth it.

The older you get the wiser you get. Old vinyl never sounded the way it does now. That's a lot of advancements I suppose.
An audiophile to me is a love of music. Yup we can carry thing to extremes. I look at the prices of some of this stuff and you don't need to spend that kind of money to get satisfied. But that's me.
My .02 worth.