24/88.2 or 24/192 via SBT running EDO - decoding question

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I am currently running a Logitech Squeezebox Touch with EDO installed.  I am able to play all kinds of 24 bit files.

I can choose the server to decode, or the Touch to decode.

I notice that when I chose the server to decode 24/192 files or 24/88.2 files it converts them to PCM. 

Does this in fact change the effect of hi rez or is it simply moving where that conversion takes place from Touch to server?

Want to ensure I am getting the best I can with settings etc.

I know that my setup is long in the tooth, but it allows my Grant Fidelity TubeDAC to run files I otherwise cannot (since the USB for the DAC does not support 24/88.2 or 24/192 natively).


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Re: 24/88.2 or 24/192 via SBT running EDO - decoding question
« Reply #1 on: 27 Oct 2015, 01:27 pm »
24 bit files already ARE PCM.  What do you mean...maybe it converts them to wav?  Transcoding flac to wav can occur at the server or at the SB.  Traffic is less when they convert at the SB (cuz flac is smaller).  But maybe the computer does a better job.  You decide (with your ears).


Re: 24/88.2 or 24/192 via SBT running EDO - decoding question
« Reply #2 on: 27 Oct 2015, 01:32 pm »
Makes sense Ted, thanks.

Having some issues with the server side transcoding - it plays some 24/192 files SUPER slowly.  Odd.

But free to experiment with!

Phil A

Re: 24/88.2 or 24/192 via SBT running EDO - decoding question
« Reply #3 on: 27 Oct 2015, 01:39 pm »
I only briefly played with the EDO on my Touch before I sold it last year (had it in a secondary system and decided to go with a music server and JRiver).  There is some info here:  http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue61/logitech.htm

Don't know if it (EDO) has been upgraded since the info in the above link but it says:
"Triode's applet is known as the Enhanced Digital Output. You can read about the applet, and find installation instructions here. There are a few minor limitations on the higher sample rates. 176.4 and 192kHz are limited to the FLAC format, for now. I say for now because at the time of this writing Triode has already updated the applet several times. This is no issue for me since FLAC is my preferred file format. Another quirk is that if you want to explore using a USB DAC with the Touch, it must either be hooked up to a high speed hub, or it must be used with a 192kHz capable high speed DAC."


Re: 24/88.2 or 24/192 via SBT running EDO - decoding question
« Reply #4 on: 27 Oct 2015, 04:40 pm »
All my files work great with EDO as long as the Touch is doing the decoding.

If I switch to the server doing the decoding, the 24/192 files don't play properly.

Simple solution - leave well enough alone and let the Touch do the decoding.

I had left the Squeezebox hardware behind a few years ago, and was using a hacked Pogoplug running Vortexbox VAMP as my player.  It can run all my files fine (24 included) but in order to output 24/88.2 or 24/192 I would need a different USB-SPDIF converter.  My Grant DAC can process any 24 bit up to 192 but via the USB it maxes out at 24/96.  My existing USB-SPDIF converter maxes out at 24/96 too.

Rather than spend any $, I inserted the SB Touch my brother gave me, added EDO and have it up and running.

Since it works, I will let it go for now.  If I see a cheap used M2Tech V2 USB interface, I will snap it up.

Thanks guys,