How to put 10" Audio Nirvana drivers in 8" speakers designed by Decware?

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I am currently building my second pair of speakers (first was Metronomes with Fostex 127eN, with quite satisfying results) and I face the following dilemma.

I have bought a pair of 10" Audio Nirvana cast frame drivers for which I need to build a fitting enclosure. I am tempted not to build the manufacturer-recommended bass reflex speakers but rather to try the HDT enclosures designed by Decware. But the plans I purchased from Decware are for 8" Fostex drivers.

What do you think of modifying the size of the HDT enclosures to fit the 10" AN drivers? Anybody tried something similar? What principles should be applied when "enlarging" enclosure so as not mess up the acoustics originally finetuned for different size?

Thanks for your opinions.

Peter (Slovakia)

AN driver specification:

Decware HDT speakers:


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  • Posts: 772
A major issue would be how well the real world T/S parameters of your ANs relate to any specific enclosure design.  It would be helpful if you're able to measure them yourself after break-in.

Like many of his more elaborate designs, IINM, Steve's HDT was finely tuned over an extended period of time, and is not as simple a build as most on the CommonSense site.   

Not all enclosure designs can simply be adjusted to suit drivers of larger size and presumably lower Fs - you might be able to fit them in the boxes, but having the system perform its potential is another story. I'd suggest you contact Steve  directly with your questions. 


I'd give a call to Common Sense Audio and get their POV. Otherwise you might want to try posting this on as well, since there is an active speaker (and everything else) building community over there.